A. You can launch an instance from a volume on the dashboard after you have requested an allocation (plus volume storage greater than or equal the root filesystem size you require).
- From the dashboard select “Allocations” then “New Requests”.
- Complete the form for a project specific allocation.
- Ensure you have a value entered in the box titled “Amount of Persistent Volumes Storage needed (GB)”.
B. Once your allocation has been confirmed, you can create a volume complete with the size you require for the root filesystem. This volume will be used as the boot disk for you instance.
- From the dashboard select “Images” then click the “More ▾” button at the end of the row followed by “Create Volume”.
- Enter all the details on the “Create Volume” screen. Make sure the “Type” box is left blank. Ensure the size is large enough for the boot disk you require.
- Select “QRIScloud” for the “Availability Zone” then click “Create Volume” button.
C. After you have created a volume of appropriate size containing the image you wish to boot from, you can launch an instance from this volume.
- From the dashboard select “Instances” and then click the “+ Launch Instance” button at the top right of the page.
- Complete the details on the “Launch Instance” page ensuring “Boot from Volume” is the boot source and the volume created in part B above is listed as the “Volume”.
- From the tabs at the top of the page select “Availability Zone” and ensure “QRIScloud” is selected.
- Ensure all other parameters are selected correctly for the instance and then click the “Launch” button.
You should now have a instance launched from volume storage, with the appropriate sized boot filesystem you require.